Current Energy Vibe
Welcome back to another week of energetic updates! This week is feeling intense, to say the least! If you thought the transformative energy was wild before, just wait until the end of this week! Planetary-wise, we don't have anything major shifting, but the energy of the past shifts is taking hold and moving through stages that are having us look back and see where we may need more editing.
Planets As of Monday
As we discussed last week, we have quite a few planets playing big on the collective energy. Mars retrograding back into Cancer last week had our focus shifting back home and toward the relationships, we hold near and dear. We need to see where that house needs to get more in order. That energy plus Mercury and Venus moving signs has the collective feeling dreamy and determined to make their life exactly how they imagined it. Although we have a lot of energy helping us plan, we also have a big pull of energy distracting the collective away from the bigger picture and more on the micro aspect of our life. Don't be too distracted by things you cannot control, or you will find yourself spinning. With the Full Moon in Cancer energy leading the charge this week, we all need to make sure we are going deeper with ourselves to honor of feelings so that the details that matter can make themselves known, attending to the RIGHT details that will bring forward what you want to happen.
New This Week
The Full Moon in Cancer has the energy of this week starting on a high and ending on a more reflective and introspective weekend. With the Sun moving into Aquarius has the collective looking within and then taking charge back out into the world to make a difference. After these two shifts we as a group are going to find ourselves ready to make smaller changes for the good of self and all over the next few weeks. We all are going to be hungry for answers and want justice and service that is going to be more transformative in the long run. Aquarius is the water bearer, the life bringer to the collective in some aspect, so the energy of the planets is asking us to also look to our fellow man and see where we can move the needle forward in some way.
With the Moon ending this week in Libra in the Waxing Gibbous phase, don't be surprised if you are weighing out the options of certain people, places, and things in your life and their importance. Not everyone is going with you on this new version of yourself so make sure the people you bring along are supportive for your highest good, not just your comfort zone.
What to do this Week
Balance Reflection and ActionÂ
Use the Cancer Full Moon to journal, nurture emotional needs, and align personal goals. Pair this with Capricorn’s energy to take one practical step, like organizing your space or resolving family matters. Writing it out or talking it out is going to be good to get the emotions flowing and loose from the body. Shake it out and dance if you need to get the juices flowing!
Embrace InnovationÂ
With the Sun moving into Aquarius, brainstorm fresh ideas, explore new skills, or connect with like-minded communities to spark creativity and collaboration. The end of the week and weekend are going to be a great time to collaborate so meet up with trusted and reliable friends to find a safe space to float ideas of what you have cooking!
Release and CommitÂ
As the Moon wanes and Venus meets Saturn, clear physical or emotional clutter, set healthy boundaries, and focus on long-term goals or relationships that truly matter. As mentioned up top, the new shift is going to make certain relationships not possible to keep up with your growth and that is fine! Everyone is on their own path and ties find each other again if they are meant to.
These steps will help channel this week’s energy productively for emotional growth, visionary thinking, and grounded progress! As always, trust your gut, follow your intuition, and choose the best intentions for your next steps forward and you will always be on the right path.
Until Next Time,
Margaux <3